More some kitchen thing

A small collection of kitchen achievements.

Outdoor vent installed (a while back) and the upper hood cover installed, so that’s all done and ready for burnt foods. 

Shallow cabinet is the only relic of the old kitchen. Fit well in the old kitchen, so we thought it might be a useful addition(see last pic in post). With some creative cutting, painting, and some random faux walnut shelves, it fit there again and became our open concept pantry.  We have a whole shelf for beans!

Doors with knobs and drawers with also knobs.

More kitchen work being done. Installed trim piece on the base of the upper cabinets. Counter tops lightly sanded and oiled. Looking mighty fancy.  And knobs! Now we can open our drawers and put things inside them. 


Kitchen Update

The Kitchen is beginning/has begun/began/has now taken shape and is mostly a working kitchen.  It hasn’t taken us THIS long, I’m just lazy and don’t update enough. 

Kitchen Update: Awesomeness!

Appliances delivered and mostly in place. Upper and lower cabinet frames have been built. Brown on the inside, but will eventually have black doors and covers. A few minor things to be done before we can start the actual install. Despite being full of stuff, it still feels roomy! The room is so small that pics have to be taken from outside the room to fully capture the kitchen awesomeness!

Drywall…There’s nothing funny about Drywall.

Tackling the drywall on our own was something we were adamant about, at the beginning, and we got started on the kitchen. With help from some borrowed tools from the Toronto Tool Library (Drywall lift, screw gun, rotozippy thing, etc) we threw the stuff up like it was paper. Then we decided to never drywall again. 

Creee-eee-eepy Crawlspace #1

Under the kitchen is a crawlspace that was full of crap. We spent 3 hours cleaning out the garbage, mouse and rat poopies, and the piles of insulation that had become an affordable housing complex for various rat families, and finally raking it flatish. I fully expected to find human bones. 


Slip Slidin’ Away

After a long hiatus of not posting due to laziness, We’re Back!


Channelling our Hulk strength we removed the lovely brown trimmed, steel sliding door with the “DIY glass mosaic insert”. It weighed a lot! Time for a fresh white start! Thankfully the frame was mostly plumb and the door fit quite well in the spot it was supposed to fit. 



Or wasps or something… 

This is the second ceiling we’ve opened to find the crazy cellular cellulose colony creations of the common white anglo-saxon protestant. Luckily, they found the neighbourhood too “gritty” and fled to the Annex to be among their own kind. So we just vacuumed up their leftovers.

Note: No pics exist of the actual taking down of the kitchen ceiling, but approx. 400 sheep worth of wool insulation (we think) came tumbling down. Bahh